I'm 28, a Dad to 3, and to earn my fiat I'm a Graduate Apprentice Software Developer which means that 1/5 of my contracted time is spent completing my Uni Degree (funded by my employer-no student debt).

My crypto journey started way back in February of 2021 but this was mostly just holding small amounts purchased on CEX's. September of 2021 I had started looking at NFTs on Ethereum but due to gas fees I only ever minted one NFT on Eth, I still hold it, it's down bad.

It was around that time I won a twitter giveaway from cypherkicks, a sneaker focused project on Cardano and that was where it all started. A few good NFT trades here and there and I'd made way more than I'd put in. I was hooked on Crypto and more specifically, Cardano.

Since then I've embedded myself within Cardano ecosystem, both as a team member at the Working Dead NFT project; builders of work.courses, a cross-chain learning platform that empowers both learners and creators and also as a Community manager at Liqwid Finance, Cardano's leading lending protocol by TVL.


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My Work.Courses Instructor Profile

work.courses instructor profile

My NFT Collections

itzdanny NFT collectionthe Beginning of the End NFT collection